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PDFToImage-- A plug-ins for Acrobat to convert to images, etc.
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PDFToImage is a tool which can convert PDF document to image files, such as multi-page tiff, jpg, bmp, png, etc. It also can change clarity and resolution of the result image file. It is easy-to-use, can automatic name the image file, and can save the result image files in the easy way. It is easy to operate, simple and flexible. It is a plug-in of Adobe Acrobat.
  • Can convert pdf file to JPG、EMF、TIF、GIF、PNG、BMP files.
  • Can convert multi-page pdf file to multi-page tiff file.
  • Can change the defination of the result image files.
  • Can charge a range of the pages to be converted.
  • Can change the resolution of the result image files.
  • Can open the result folder.
  • Automatically name the result file.
【Development Interface】
We provide the development interface for the server-side calling. If you need, please send mail to support@workpdf.com or add our MSN: workpdf@workpdf.com.

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